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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Further Remedies

Beyond the common natural remedies for acne, there are a few other interesting options available and worth mentioning at this time.

Diet and vitamin supplements - Unlike former days, when the diets of civilizations included only naturally occurring food from the ground, the usage of fertilizers and pesticides has taken a toll on the nutrient content of much of the food that we eat. Add to this the fact that our food is further manipulated by chemical preservatives and you have some further explanations for the occurrences of some acne breakout. To combat this, observing a proper and balanced diet and taking a hearty multi-vitamin can actually go a long way towards preventing certain bio-chemical conditions which provide fertile ground for acne.

Echinacea and Oregon grape - These herbs are both useful for boosting the body’s immune system and also combating many forms of acne-causing bacteria.

Vitamin A - Used in large quantities, vitamin A has actually been used to successfully treat some severe forms of acne. But it must be clear that if you plan to use vitamin A as a possible remedy you should consult a physician because, if used in large enough doses, it can be toxic.

Zinc - This vitamin, if added to one’s diet, can actually aid in the healing of acne lesions and help in the prevention of scarring.

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